Quake Mission Pack No. 2: Dissolution of Eternity


Table of Contents

Minimum System Requirements

The Story

Installing Quake Mission Pack No. 2 (Dissolution of Eternity)

Starting a Game

The Basics of Play

Commands, Menu &Console

The Game

Your New Environment

Multiplayer Action

Commonly Asked Questions

Customer Support

Quake Mission Pack No. 2 Team


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Minimum System Requirements

• MS-DOS 5.0 or higher or Windows¿ 95 operating system

• Intel Pentium¿ 75 MHz processor (must have math coprocessor)

• 16 MB RAM

• Double-speed CD-ROM drive (300K/sec. sustained transfer rate)

• Hard disk drive with 40 MB of uncompressed space available

• 100% Sound Blaster-compatible sound card

• Joystick and mouse-supported (3-button mouse recommended)

• Supports modem, network, and IP (internet) play

• Registered version of Quake¬ already installed


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The Story

You're alive, and aware, and in one piece. "Thank God for simple favors," but... "What in Hell happened?"

Ages ago you defeated Armagon; yet it seems as if it happened in the last instant. The Rift Portal was sealed and the slipgate effect deposited you back at HQ.

Command is quiet--too damn quiet! You exit Command Central to scan the dimly lit corridor beyond.

Sprawled face down in a stagnant mire, is a... Grunt? An Enforcer? Who could tell; what's left of him is mangled! His backpack has emptied into the red-tinged muck. Among the spattered effects are the bent leather covers of a charred book, its bindings tooled with a familiar symbol. "No... that wasn't there before!"

Ripped from the text and floating in the muck, a particular leaf of stained parchment stabs for your attention. In a perfect hand-hewn typeface the passage reads:

The Book of Common Prayer

Let it be known that in that moment our Master brought forth, from the void of order and light, a new existence of glorious darkness. His mighty hands fashioned this world of chaos, violence and pain.

Our past, our present and our future are moulded by the seeds that He has sewn. Through His wisdom He has given us Ancient Guardians to tend the Chain of Time. Their suffering is our link and lineage throughout all time and forever.

In honoured service we come before Him to pay our age-old debt. We whisper this humble prayer with the knowledge that He will hear our thanks for what He has brought to pass.

Oh Master Quake, we kneel before the Mark, upon this day, this hour, and this moment, to proclaim your dominion and celebrate The Day of Dissolution.

Day 57, 1215 A.Q.

"GOD FRIGGING DAMN! This can't be happening!"

You scramble across the body for the shotgun, dragging the remnants of the backpack behind. At the end of the darkened passage a slipgate comes into focus.

One thought becomes your obsession as you step onto the slipgate platform: "THIS TIME IT WILL END!"

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Quake Mission Pack No. 2 (The Dissolution of Eternity) requires the full, registered version of Quake to run. For installation instructions on Quake, refer to the README.TXT on the Quake CD to see the exact procedure recommended for your machine.

Once Quake has been installed, you can install Quake Mission Pack No. 2. For detailed installation instructions, refer to the README.TXT on the Quake Mission Pack No. 2 CD. You must install Quake Mission Pack No. 2 before you can play it. It will not run off the CD-ROM.


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Starting a Game

As with Quake, this Mission Pack offers a variety of play options. The options below can be entered at a DOS prompt, although each option below is installed either as a Shortcut in your Start Menu if you installed the Mission Pack through Windows 95 or as a *.bat file if you installed through DOS.

Note: You must change to the directory where Quake is installed (i.e., c:\quake), then from the command prompt run the following commands.

Single Player: quake -rogue

Dedicated Server: quake -rogue -dedicated # +map start

Listen Server: quake -rogue -listen #

The # sign indicates the number of players to be allowed into the multiplayer game.


Enhanced Multiplayer Deathmatch Options:

Note: Add the following commands to either the Dedicated or Listen Server commands listed above (e.g., quake -rogue -dedicated 8 +teamplay 5). This would run an eight player, dedicated, One Flag game.

+teamplay 3 +map start

Capture the Flag: Normal
+teamplay 4 +map r1m1

Capture the Flag: One Flag
+teamplay 5 +map r1m1

Capture the Flag: Three Team
+teamplay 6 +map r1m1


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Goal of the Game

Each level ends with a distinctive door or exit to the next level. Unlike Quake, however, Quake Mission Pack No. 2 is played in a linear fashion, taking you through each of the two episodes (15 levels) leading you to discover the ultimate depths of Quake's evil scheme in the final level—Source of Evil.


The Start Level has several different slipgates for each level of Skill you wish to play.

Easy: This is meant for little kids and grandmas.

Medium: Most people should start Quake at Medium skill.

Hard: Here at id Software, we play Hard skill, and we think you should too, if you can handle it.

Nightmare: Good luck.


Getting About

Walk: Use the arrow keys or the mouse. To walk steadily forward, hold down the Forward key (up arrow or right mouse button). Turn left or right with the left or right arrow key, or by sliding your mouse in the desired direction.

Run: Hold down the shift key to increase your speed.

Jumping: Tap the space bar or the Enter key to jump. You jump further if you're moving forward at the time, and you jump higher if you're moving up a slope at the time. You'll be surprised at the spots you can reach in a jump. You can even avoid some attacks this way.

Swimming: When underwater, aim yourself in the direction you wish to go, and press the forward key to go in that direction. You have full three-dimensional freedom. Unfortunately, as in real life, you may lose your bearings while underwater. Use jump (the space bar or Enter key) to kick straight up towards the surface.

Once on the surface, tread water by holding down jump. To get out of the drink, swim towards the shore. Once there, use jump to clamber up. If you're down a well or you can't get a grip, you may not be able to climb out. There is always another way out, but you may have to submerge to find it.

Shooting: Tap the Ctrl key or the left mouse button to fire. Hold shoot down to keep firing.

Use: Quake has no 'use' function. To push a button or open a door, walk up to it or, in some cases, shoot it. To ride a platform up, step onto it. If a door won't open or a platform won't lower, you may need to do something special to activate it.

Picking up stuff: To pick up items, weapons, and power-ups, walk over them. If you can't pick up something, it means you already have the maximum possible. If it is armor, it means the stuff you're trying to get is worse than what you now have.


Finding Things

Buttons and Floorplates: Buttons activate with a touch, and floorplates must be stepped on. If you see a distinctive-looking button in a spot you cannot reach, it's probably a shootable button - fire at it.

Doors: Most doors open at your approach. If one doesn't, seek a button, floorplate, or key.

Secret Doors: Some doors are camouflaged. Almost all secret doors open when they are shot or hit with an axe. The rest are opened by hidden pressure plates or buttons.

Platforms: Most platforms only go up and down, while some follow tracks around rooms or levels. Normally, when you step onto a platform, it rises to its full height, and lowers when you step off. Some platforms drop when you step onto them, and some don't work until you activate them via button or pressure plate.

Pressure Plates & Motion Detectors: Invisible or visible sensors can open doors, unleash traps, warn monsters, etc.

Uncovering Secrets: Secrets are hidden in many ways. You might need to shoot a button, kill a monster, walk through a secret motion detector, etc.

The Secret of Secrets: All secrets in Quake Mission Pack No. 2 are indicated by clues. Don't waste your time hacking at every wall. It's much more productive (and fun) to use your brain and your eyes. Look up. An angled texture, a light shining under a wall, a strange sound...anything...might be the clue. Something prominent in a room might be decoration...or it might be the clue.

TIP: Bouncing a grenade off a shootable button or secret door won't open it, but if the grenade's explosion goes off nearby, this may well activate such secrets.


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Keyboard Commands

Press F1 (the Help key) or select the Help option from the Main Menu to get a list of keyboard commands.

NOTE: Help lists the default keys. If you've customized your configuration, Help won't be totally accurate anymore.


The Main Menu

Tap the Escape key to pop up the Main Menu. While you are in the menu, the game is paused. The Main Menu is pretty much self-explanatory, but if you have questions, README.TXT explains all.

TIP: Quake Mission Pack No. 2 saves your current key configuration when you quit, so that next time you play, you have the same configuration.



Tap the ~ (tilde) key to bring down the console. As with the Main Menu, when the console is down, a single player game is paused. A wide variety of esoteric commands can be entered at the console. If your keyboard has no ~ (tilde), the Options submenu from the Main Menu has a 'Go To Console' selection. The README.TXT file contains advanced Console commands.


Command Line

For special command line parameters, see the README.TXT file.


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The Screen

The large top part of the screen is the view area, in which you see monsters and architecture. Immediately below is the Inventory Bar. Below that is the Status Bar. You can enlarge the viewing area (tap the + key), so much that it engulfs first the Inventory Bar and then the Status Bar. The '-' key shrinks the view area.

Inventory Bar: Lists ammo, weapons, deathmatch scores, and power-ups.

The active weapon is lit up. Each weapon has a number by it--type the appropriate number key to switch to that weapon. In deathmatch, the top four scores are displayed, along with the color(s) of those players.

Status Bar: A vital part of the screen. When your armor, hit points, or ammo gets low, the number turns red. That's a hint, pal.

While in Multiplayer Mode, pressing TAB shows the normal stuff you would see in Single-player Mode, but over the game screen the entire Rankings List will be displayed (just like when you die in Deathmatch Mode).

Score Bar: Hold down the Tab key to replace the Status Bar with the Score Bar. This lists the proportion of monsters you've killed, secrets you've found, and time you've spent, along with the level name.



Quake talks to you from time to time. Some messages appear at the top of the screen. These are non-critical, and tell you that you've picked up an object, or you've died in an interesting fashion. Ignore these messages if you please.

Certain messages appear in the middle of your view area. These are always important, and you do not want to ignore them!


Ending a Level

At the end of Episode One/Hell's Fortress, you will find a slipgate. Climb onto the gate platform to pass through to the next episode. You will notice, unfortunately, after you 'materialize' in Episode Two/The Corridors of Time, that you are stripped of the armor and weapons you had acquired to this point. "Quake is aware of your victory, and wishes to even the odds."


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New Weapons in Quake Mission Pack No. 2 (Dissolution of Eternity)

Lava Nails: Lava nails are armor piercing 'hot shots' from the Nailgun. They inflict more damage than regular nails. They're something to be avoided! A small box equals five nails.

Multi Grenades: These 'split off' into five distinct grenades for an increased damage radius. The explosive effect is... stunning! A small box equals five grenades.

Multi Rockets: These fire as one rocket, then 'split' into four to locate separate targets. A small box equals five rockets.

Plasma Cells: We've 'beefed up' the Thunderbolt to fire a plasma energy ball. The shot 'grounds out' on target, impacting with powerful tendrils of lightning. This alternate mode is great for recon! A small box equals six charges.

Switching Between Weapons: If you are firing a weapon and run out of ammo, Quake automatically switches you to another weapon. It will never switch to the grenade launcher or rocket launcher, however, for reasons that ought to be obvious. So if you're firing away happily and suddenly switch to the axe, it doesn't mean you're out of ammo--you probably still have grenades. But Quake requires you to switch to these dangerous explosives on your own.


New Powerups in Quake Mission Pack No. 2

Anti Grav Belt: The theory is simple here; it counters the force of gravity and allows the player to make difficult jumps.

Power Shield: This 'little gem' significantly decreases the damage you receive from most enemy attacks. In Deathmatch, try out the RAM attack to send your opponents flying.


New Creatures in Quake Mission Pack No. 2

Phantom Swordsmen: A disembodied spectral sword that will slash the player at many turns.

Electric Eels: These little guys are power-packed and more menacing than the Rotfish.

Statues: They're 'poised' to take you out.

Hell Spawn: A deadly upgrade to Quake's spawn.

Multi-Grenade Ogres: Turnabout is fair-play; at least for the Ogres, that is. Occasionally you will find that these guys can toss a Multi Grenade at you, too.

Wrath: These are the Overlord's evil minions. Smaller, but just as deadly.

Overlord: This robed skeletal figure ominously floats with the environment. His attack? A ball of energy which tracks the player and detonates on impact.

Guardians: Stationed in the past to execute Quake's evil plan. These demi-gods' 'surprising' entrance will shock you.

A Surprising End Game Boss: Everyone's been screaming for this enemy. He'll have you screaming too!


New Environmental Hazards and Effects in Quake Mission Pack No. 2:

Pendulums: They're set to slice the player to shreds... when they least expect it!

Lightning Shooters: Well, these shoot lightning and can be directed at any angle. Sizzle!

Lava Nail Shooters: Let's see... these shoot Lava Nails. Need we say more?

Buzz Saws: Compact. Cordless. And... completely gib-o-matic. Watch out!

Earthquakes: Level areas that tremble with seismic activity. Now the player can literally... quake!


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Quake Mission Pack No. 2 (The Dissolution of Eternity) fully supports multiplayer mode. There is one new level designed specifically for multiplayer.

When you are using the console or Main Menu in multiplayer, the game does not pause. Irresponsible players and monsters can freely shoot you, and your only recourse is bloodthirsty vengeance. The Talk function is useful here. When you talk, the message appears at the top of all players' screens, preceded by the speaker's name.

To set up, run, or join a multiplayer game, use the Main Menu Multiplayer option. README.TXT contains details that may be useful if your network or modem needs special configurations.



In a co-op game, you and your friends work together to finish the level. When one person exits, everyone else exits too, wherever they might be. If you are killed in co-op, you reappear at the start area, and have to catch up to your buddies. Use Talk to find out where they are. See the Multiplayer options on the Main Menu for more info.



In a deathmatch, play is totally cutthroat. No monsters exist, and when you are killed, you reappear in a random spot. After you pick up an item, it respawns (i.e. pops back into existence) after a while. (Some items take longer to respawn than others.) Every time you kill someone, you get a Frag. The person with the most Frags wins, so wreak slaughter amongst your pals!

If you kill yourself, whether intentionally or by accident, you lose a Frag. This includes drowning, getting crushed, and so forth. See the Multiplayer options on the Main Menu for more info.


New Team Games in Mission Pack No. 2

Team play is a cool combination of co-op and deathmatch. As players join the game, the computer places them on teams, with different color uniforms. The team with the most Frags wins. See MANUAL.TXT for details.

Tag: It's the game you played as a kid, with a few changes, such as--weapons of mass destruction! Grab the Tag Token and you will be rewarded with three Frags for every 'kill.' Do that five times; you get the Quad Damage.

Capture the Flag (CTF): Capture the enemy flag, then take it back and touch your flag at your own base. Sounds simple, huh? It's a load of fun! This is the most exciting variation for normal Deathmatch to date. For more information, see the CTF document.

One Flag: This is a variation on regular CTF. Two teams, one flag; in an all out slaughter-fest! Find the flag, grab the flag; head for the enemy base.

Three Team: This CTF variation adds a third team into the mix. The Grey Team can grab either team's flag, but they must take it to the opposite flag/team base to score.


New Multiplayer Features in Mission Pack No. 2

Vengeance Sphere: What can we say? It's ultimate retribution--from the grave!

Random Powerup Respawn: No more campers! Well... at least your opponent won't get the Quad Damage every time it "pops up" in Deathmatch. We call Random Respawn the Great Equalizer.

Grappling Hook: This is an added feature to CTF. To use it, press the 1 key twice, then fire the Hook at a wall or ceiling. Continue to hold down the fire key... and you'll be pulled toward the 'grappled' location.


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Q: The Dissolution of Eternity is challenging! Are you guys targeting the pack to sado-masochists?

A: No, although we don't discriminate. We believe that an expansion pack that builds upon the Quake universe should have more difficult gameplay than the original game.

Q: Cool, you make computer games! So... do you guys just sit around and play games all day?

A: Well... certainly it is an exciting experience with a flexible schedule in the ultimate TEAM environment! But it's not all fun and... err... games. This career requires a lot of hard work, determination, and focus. To get games onto the retail shelves takes a miraculous, and sometimes indefinable, chain of events. Still, we can't think of anything we'd rather do with our time.

Q: Rogue's been low-key and fairly quiet; why doesn't the gaming public hear more out of you?

A: There's an ancient software proverb that says: "Time spent talking about game ideas takes away from actually making the game." We have tons to say (you can't shut us up), it's just that we've had our gaming blinders on for a long time now! We'd really prefer to hear from you. E-mail us at info@rogue-ent.com.


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Before contacting customer support, please consult the technical help file. It contains the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions and may quickly and easily provide a solution to your difficulty. If after reviewing the technical help file you are still experiencing problems, please feel free to contact us through any of the online
services listed.

Quake Mission Pack No. 2 (Dissolution of Eternity) technical support is available through our online services only. If you are experiencing difficulty with your original version of Quake, please contact id Software technical support.

Due to the complex nature of network games, please provide the following information when requesting technical support:

1. Complete product title.

2. Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the problem.

3. What operating system is each player using (e.g., Windows 95 or DOS)?

4. What kind of processor does each machine have (e.g., Intel Pentium¿ 90)?

5. What kind of video and soundcards do the machines have (e.g., Diamond Stealth 64 video, Sound Blaster)?

6. Are you using a joystick? If so, what brand and model? What is it using as a game port (e.g., soundcard, dedicated game port)?

7. How much free disk space do you have?

8. How much RAM is in each machine?

In addition, please note whether you are using a modem or LAN to play Quake Mission Pack No. 2 and have the following information available.

If you are using a modem:

1. What kind of modem is on each end (brand, model, speed, internal or external)?

2. Do you have more than one modem?

3. On which port is each configured?

4. Does Hyperterminal (or any other terminal program) work with your modem? This is an easy way to test whether or not your modem is configured correctly.

5. At what speed are you connecting?

6. Have you made sure data compression, error detection, and flow control is turned OFF? Refer to your modem's manual to do this.

If using an external modem:

1. What kind of serial card is being used?

2. Do you have a seven-wire serial cable?

If you are on a LAN:

1. Can you see other computers on the network?

2. What is your network configuration?

3. What brand of network card do you have?

4. What network software are you running? What version number?

Online Services with Activision Forums, E-Mail and File Library Support

• Internet: support@activision.com or www.activision.com

• America Online: Use keyword 'Activision' to locate the Activision forum.

• CompuServe: 76004,2122 or [GO GAMBPUB] GO ACTIVISION

• Activision BBS: (310) 479-1335 Up to 28,800 Baud; Settings: 8 Bits, No Parity, 1-Stop Bit (8, N, 1)

Fax: (310) 479-7355, 24 hours a day

FaxBack: (310) 473-6453, 24 hours a day

Mail: Activision, Customer Support, P.O. Box 67713, Los Angeles, CA 90067

Phone: Call our 24-hour automated voice-mail system for answers to our most frequently asked questions at (310) 479-5644.


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id Software

Programming: John Carmack, Michael Abrash, John Cash

Design: Sandy Petersen, American McGee, Tim Willits

Art: Adrian Carmack, Kevin Cloud, Paul Steed

Biz: Todd Hollenshead, Donna Jackson, Barrett Alexander

Rogue Entertainment

Programming: Peter Mack

Design: Jim Molinets, Steve Tietze, Cameron Lamprecht

Art: Rich Fleider, Steven Maines

Sound: James Grunke

Business: Jim Molinets

Special Thanks to: Dave "Zoid" Kirish for CTF


Production: Steve Stringer, John Cibulski, Kelly Rogers

Marketing: Henk Hartong, Barbara Matias

Quality Assurance: Tim Vanlaw, John Tam

Additional QA: Steve Rosenthal, Kelly Wand, Michael Spann, Woody Grafing, Jim Dangcil

Original Musical Score by: Jeehun Hwang

Creative Services: Denise Walsh, Mike Rivera

Installer: Mark Lamia, Adam Goldberg, Frankie Tam

Special Thanks to:

Biz: Mitch Lasky and Bill Anker for doing the deal.

id Software: Todd, Bear, Tim, Adrian and everyone else for making this go smoothly.

Rogue: Jim and crew for their great work.

Music: Rob Patterson for additional guitar work.


Legal Mumbo-Jumbo

Quake Mission Pack No. 2: Dissolution of Eternity

Dissolution of Eternity™ ⌐ 1997 Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Developed by Rogue Entertainment for Id Software, Inc. Distributed by Activision, Inc. under license. Activision« is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. Dissolution of Eternity™ is a trademark of Id Software, Inc. Quake« is a registered trademark of Id Software, Inc.

All contents of this CD and related materials protected by applicable copyright laws.